Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Kind Words

At last night's monthly Board meeting I noted a particularly wonderful comment from a departing employee.

Cliff LaPointe resigned as Campus Monitor this summer. He is a wonderful man who will be missed by all who knew him. I want to quote something from his letter of resignation.

I have enjoyed my time at "EO" and will miss all the great kids, faculty, and staff. It was a fun place to work.

I also want to take a moment to plug your administrative staff. Each of those guys, Lou, Frank, and Bob, bring their own unique perspective and set of experiences to work every day, and I do not believe that I ever witnessed a situation that baffled their combined skills. They were good to work for and fun to work with. We as a community are very lucky to have such a great team of administrators managing our school.

Kudos to Cliff and to our administrators! Kind words are not spoken often enough about all the wonderful people who sacrifice to make EO Smith the fine learning institution it is. Cliff's goodbye speaks volumes about the respect our team has and about the character of the people working in our schools - all good.

Happy trails, Cliff.

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